High Gloss Automotive Lub Cev 1k Xim Xim
Ib feem, cov khoom siv tseem ceeb yog acrylic.
Fast Dry Automotive Paint Hardeners Rau Tsheb Xim thiab Lub Cev Muaj Zog
1, A series ntawmsiab concentration, daj resistant hardener.
2, Tshwj xeeb tsim rau2K Top Coat, 2K clear coats thiab 2K primer.
3, Txhua hardener muaj peb hom versions (Standard Hardener, Fast Hardener, Slow Hardener)rau cov khoom sib txawv thiab daim ntawv thov. -
Zoo Zoo Tsheb Xim Fluorescent Tsheb Txheej
Fluorescent Tsheb Txheejyog ib qho khoom siv ob qho tib si tsim los ntawm cov xim tseem ceeb uas muaj hydroxy acrylic resin, pigments, auxiliaries, cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov tshuaj tua kab mob uas muaj cov ntxhiab diisocyanate prepolymer, nrog cov xim ci.
Dawb Qauv Tshuaj Resistant 1k Acrylic Car Refinish Xim
Auto Refinish Ximyogib lub hauv paus lub tsho tiv no nrog cov xim tawv, metallic thiab pearl nyhuv.Cov khoom siv siab, siab zoo, ntau xim, pom tseeb cov nyhuv hlau, muaj zog npog lub zog thiab zoo heev huab cua tsis kam.
Custimized Tin Thiab Logo 2 Pob Xim Tsheb Xim 2k Nws Pib Xim Xim
Covob lub ntsiab luskhoom ximpleev xim rau nruab nrab thiab qib siabtsheb lub cev txheejmuaj tag nrho cov xim pleev xim zaj duab xis, zoo heev tiv thaiv thiab nkaum lub zog, thiab cov xim ci thiab ntev ntev.Haum raulub refurbishment thiab kho ntawm advanced tsheb lub cev.
UV Resistance Car Paint Clear Coat Application To Car Repair Effect
Clear lub tsho loj lub tsheb ximyog xim los yog resin tsis muaj pigments thiab li no imparts tsis muaj xim rau lub tsheb.Nws tsuas yog ib txheej ntawm cov ntshiab resin uas yog siv rau cov xim pleev xim.Yuav luag 95 feem pua ntawm tag nrho cov tsheb tsim niaj hnub no muaj lub tsho loj tiav.Contrary to popular kev ntseeg, lub tsheb waxing yuav tsum tau ib ntus, txawm tias lub tsheb tau pleev xim rau lub tsho ntshiab, thiaj li yuav ua kom nws nyob rau hauv pristine mob.Nws yog ib qho yooj yim kom pom qhov sib txawv ntawm lub tsheb uas tau hais kom ntxaws tsis tu ncua thiab ib qho uas tsis yog.
Automotive Acrylic Enamel Refinishing Tsheb Xim Ntxuav Resistant
Nws pib Acrylic Enamel mixing systemyog tsim los muab koj ntau hom xim rau tsheb.Tag nrho cov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws tuaj yeem tau txais hauv qhov system no rau nws qhov zoo heev thiab raug xim txuam.
Ib qho yooj yim Spray Gloss Pearl White Spray Xim Rau Tsheb Kos resistant
Dawbpearl automotive ximyog txau siv peb-theem system uas muaj cov kuab tshuaj-raws li undercoat, araws li dejpearlescent av xim thiab ib lub tsho dawb acrylic.Qhov no tsim ibsib npaug resilient tiav, tab sis gloss tsos txhawb kev nkag siab ntawm qhov tob hauv cov xim pleev xim nws tus kheej.
Metallic Tsheb Xim Uv Resistant, Anti Corrosion Txheej Txau
Lub refinish series ntawm ob txheej los yog peb txheejsuav nrog lub teeb xim, nyiaj, pearl xim puag lub tsho tiv no, cov nyhuv hlau yog pom tseeb, ceev kom qhuav, yooj yim rau sonstruct.
Substrate: Sanded thiab ntxuav hlau nto los yog txhua yam Medium Primer; 800-1000 xuab zeb ntawv ntub-milling los yog 400-600 xuab zeb ntawv qhuav sib tsoo.
OEM Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Tsheb Kho Tsheb Kho Tsheb Xim 1k 2k
Automotive refinish txheejyog xim siv rau hauv tsheb rau ob qho tib si kev tiv thaiv thiab kho kom zoo nkauj lub hom phiaj.
Sandable High Build Automotive Primer Spray Xim High Coverage
Ib feem, sai qhuav, yooj yim sanding, zoo heev filling zog, thiab zoo adhesion rau saum lub tsho loj.
Clear Coat Liquid 2K Fast Drying Car Paint Hardener Auto Body Paints
Hardener / Activator
Peb muaj kev lag luam, tus qauv thiab cov ntsiab lus siab (HS) peb hom, thiab Fast qhuav, Standard, Slow dry peb qauv.Nws yog haum rau ob qho tib si xim thiab lub tsho ntshiab.
Daim ntawv thov:Tsheb, tsheb ciav hlau thiab engineering machinery.